Samantha Alonzo » Class Rules and Expectations

Class Rules and Expectations

As a school, we use PBS for behavior expectations. Students are to be respectful, responsible, and try their best.
In my classroom I utilize Class Dojo to keep track of individual and whole class student behaviors; both positive and negative.
A green (positive) dojo can be earned from the following behaviors:
-be responsible
-give best effort
-helping others
-showing leadership
-being on task
-participating in class
-being persistent when something is difficult
-showing respect/being kind to others
-working hard
Red (negative) dojos can be earned through the following behaviors:
-being defiant
-being disrespectful
-being disruptive in the classroom, hallway, etc
-using a loud voice at inappropriate times
-not being responsible
-being off task
- being unkind to others
-demonstrating unsafe behaviors
I really believe in positive reinforcement and encouraging students to do their best!