Darlene Mojica » Spelling


We have decided as a 2nd Grade to use a Spelling program that has been used in prior years. I believe it is important to spell.

Why is it important to learn to spell?

There's plenty of research that supports the central role that spelling plays in learning to read and write proficiently. Learning to write individual letters and spell words reinforces the phonemic and word-deciphering skills kids require in developing literacy. From an early age of learning to identify letters and phonics, to the later development in vocabulary to the skills needed to develop reading comprehension, these skills are greatly improved through creating text - of which spelling plays a vital part

I will be sending  home a list of words on Monday to keep at home. We will be using these words though out the week during class. A test will be given on Friday. I will post words here on website in case you need another copy of words.


Thank You, Ms. Mojica